Throughout the Remediation phase of the Milltown Superfund Reservoir project, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued regular project updates listed below.
For more information visit the EPA website: Milltown Reservoir Sediments/Clark Fork River.
See the weekly project updates below. Note: the documents below except for January 24 are all 2-page Adobe PDF files and are approximately 400 kB in file size.
Starting in 2007, regular updates, written by Diana Hammer who was the EPA Community Involvement Coordinator at the time, chronicled the progression of the remediation (cleanup) phase at Milltown Reservoir. Site preparation, building the bypass channel, establishing the rail line for hauling sediments, and preparation for powerhouse removal are some of the subjects covered.
In 2008 the Powerhouse was removed, the Clark Fork was diverted into the by-pass channel, the coffer dam was breached and the waters of the Blackfoot and Clark Fork Rivers ran free for the first time in more than a century. Sediment removal and hauling continued and work continued on removing the Milltown Dam. 5600 logs were removed from the Blackfoot River.
In 2009 the spillway coffer dam was breached and the waters of the Blackfoot and Clark Fork Rivers flowed into their new channel. Restoration begins. Sediment excavation and hauling is complete. Floodplain grading begins. Remediation and restoration are combined on the floodplain while redevelopment plans to incorporate the former Superfund site into a state park continued.
In 2010 Area IIIb sediments were removed and floodplain grading continued. Seeding, planting and mulching took place. The Clark Fork River was diverted into its new reconstructed channel.
In 2011 the by-pass channel was removed. Mike Kustudia was named manager of Milltown State Park. Floodplain regrading continued. The Milltown Bluff Overlook was completed. Interpretive planning began.